Sunday, December 7, 2008

a wordy and earnest account of the abdication of duty that lead to the usurpation of parlaimentary democracy in Canada on the 4th 0f december

I will hereby show that Stephen Harper, member of Parliament for Calgary Southwest, re-elected and duly chosen prime minister of the democratic parliament of Canada, used every means possible to prevent the workings of that parliamentary system to progress. Because, it seemed, that that system had just called him out for an incompetent and opportunistic leader due to his partisan, civil rights diminishing, economically short sighted excuse of an overall game plan for the Canadian economy.

And just how was this economic update shortsighted?

By proposing to sell off Canadian assets in a downturn(or bottom) of an economic cycle, reveals, not just shortsighted economic sense, but a disbelief that a Canadian asset serves Canada better when it is in Canadian hands, but instead a belief that it is better when this asset is in the hands of someone else. To do with as he or she pleases(for example: charge us more for the use of it).

This is the height of shortsightedness. Smacking of an inferiority complex common in those used to bullying there way through life.

No. This action, in a trained economist, reveals a person who thinks numbers are more important than the people, the jobs, the Canadian industry that those numbers, in the end, represent.

This is not a time to sell Canada and cut spending to satisfy some confabulated deficit. This is a time when we should be buying Canada back. Putting Canadians back to work for Canada.

If an economist has an Achilles' heel it is this: that numbers are more important than the people, jobs and objects they may represent.

And just how was this economic update partisan?

By striking at your opposition's legislated abilities to act as a loyal opposition shows, in a democracy, a leader's true disdain for the concrete workings of the very democracy he has pledged to serve. And reeks of opportunistic bloodthirstiness, more akin to one's idea of a small dictatorship, in some steamy country where people just don't care about such things because of the corrupted cops and what have you.

And just how did this economic update diminish civil rights?

The very talk, at this time, of cutting back on Labour's right to speak as group, on women being able to SOMEHOW solicit for equal pay for equal work, begs the question: Why even go there? Again, political opportunism seems the only answer.

Such tactics, disguised as leadership, condoned as politics, do not happen in Canada: not in one the oldest experiments in democratic governance on our planet, if not arguably, the oldest.

Not here. Here, we call you out on it. You get to hold the stick and lead the band. IF, you show in word and in action that you know how to play nice and smart with it. You do NOT get to take the stick and run away with it if you think they are going to take it away from you. That is what three year olds and dictators, running away with the money, do. This is not Canada.

All of this served 50 plus 1% of the duly elected Members Parliament to deem you, Mr Harper, unworthy of their confidence and led you to take it upon yourself to subvert my parliamentary democracy. All the while you and your agents fanned flames of hatred and intolerance. Lied. Pitted CANADIAN against CANADIAN. All to cover up your crime and hide the fact that you didn’t understand what 50% minus 1 means. You’re not an economist, Mr Harper, you can’t even do Canadian math.

And to those citizens who joined in the chorus. who shouted those words of hatred at their fellow Canadians, assuming that there is a status structure to Canadian citizenship. That somehow THEY themselves are more "Canadian" then them that vote differently then they. Who may have believed that they were protecting the democratic system which represents them in Ottawa. To them I have this to say:

We are ALL Canadians in the voting booth. No more and no less than any other Canadian. That ANY elected Member of Parliament is equal to any other member of Parliament. That we DO NOT elect a leader of our country by personal vote. We give the responsibility for that decision to our elected Members in Parliament, who have sworn to serve, not just those who voted for them but EVERY citizen of their riding and Canadians at large. And I say this: That you have been duped, used and lied to. All to serve the political gain of one political party. You need to look at yourself in the mirror without the veil of self righteous indignation.

I realize the hypocrisy latent in anyone's accusation of racism. One finger pointing at someone means(usually, at the best of times) that there are four more pointing at the pointer. But it wasn't those that supported the coalition of 50% + 1 who cited reasons of race, partisan and regional differences as cause for the ceasing of due democratic process. It was them who represent 50% MINUS 1 who claimed political authority because of someone's differences, someone's quality of being 'less equal than I'. Of somehow not being legitimately Canadian enough to warrant democratic representation given the circumstances at the time.

Ah, the slippery begins its slide. Oh, where will it lead to next? How far down does Canada slide?

If I am overly earnest with my accusations it is because I sense the slipping away of lawful rule here. The use of words, screamed hatefully over the airways and internet and parliamentary floor. The narrowing of language through hatred and confabulated transgressions. Outright lie. Willful ignorance pursued and innocent ignorance fostered. The ease with which we slipped from fellow Canadians cheering at the Grey Cup together and into an angry mob of jeering hate speakers and on-air hate mongers should, I feel, give us much to think about during the coming holiday season and through the long winter ahead.

And, at all times, beware of those who accuse others of treason. It is the first defense of the scoundrel and the traitor. I myself, indeed, may be full of crap. I truly wish that I was right now. But I don’t think that I am.

I believe that I have accessed the situation well. With an open mind. Watched and read the media and my serving politician’s actions with a discerning eye and ear. I believe that I have prepared myself to the best of my abilities to be an attentive and responsible citizen, to view the goings on this past week and see that what has transpired and culminated on the forth of December is nothing more than the usurpation on Canadian democracy by the very person sworn to protect it. All for short term political gain.

I watched as those that clung to power spread lies bent from the most self serving of view points. These lies masked with self mustered hatred, faked indignation and the accusations of treason. All the while, this faction fanned any latent hatred and fear, into self righteous anger and outright racism.

And be sure.

What we saw in our parliament, heard on our radio talk shows and on the internet was the fanning of a racist furor. The words may be different, angry screams of n_gger, k_ke or f_ckin’ indi_n, being replaced with angry accusations of being a socialist, a commie or a separatist. But this I feel to be true: That racism need only the belief that one, is in any way, better then some other, to be called racism. And that belief need only be expelled from that person with hatred for that racism to be manifest.

And my open eyes and ears saw and heard it all up and down, this past week, leading up to the forth of December.

And be sure of this also.

Earnest racism, in and of itself, is no crime for a nation mature with the needs of democratic governance. An element of earnest racism within a Democracy indicates a true fear of the other or truly hurt feelings and should indicate to any democracy that it outta get its shit together. Something’s stinking up the joint.

And the reason’s for this earnest racism, in this case, in this Canada, are easy to see. Canadians should be hurt by the announcements that one of her provinces wants the frick out! I wouldn’t want to live in the Canada that WASN’T hurt by that. Just as I would not want to live in a country, that for sake of party affiliation, withdrew the right to democratic representation from a group that somehow got deemed as unworthy of this right.

A democracy that forbids the expression of any perceivable grievance, that takes away the validity of one person one vote, no matter what, whether by act or inference, when it wants, because it lives in fear of that expression. Denying this person or group democratic validity, instead of engaging it, in hopes of accessing and alleviating that grievance; that is not a Democracy. It is convenient arrangement at a convenient time at best or a set up for some future crime at its worst. It is not a democracy that deserves the title.


The actions that a maturing democracy should concern itself with here, were those taken by them that fanned that hatred. The actions taken by those who fermented lies and half truths to stir up feelings of transgression. The actions of those, who sensing political reprimand, took the only recourse available to them: They reached out and shock the hornet's nest of regional bias and stirred the racial undercurrents one finds in any land where the fallacies of race are openly agreed upon and where the distance between groups make it appear that those fallacies are, in fact, true.

Those that did this, did this for the reason a Democracy must at all times be wary of; to further there own careers or the career of their political party’s leader. Or because, given what appears to be a socially acceptable opportunity to spout racism, it is almost impossible for the racist not to take that opportunity.

The act of treason that befell Canada this week were not committed by 50% plus 1 of the sitting Members of Parliament planning to buddy up and coalesce into a governing body. To hopefully, represent the 60% plus who voted for them.

The treasonous acts that lead to the forth of December were organized and carried out by those, who themselves, shouted accusations of treason and pointed their fingers, screaming with hatred, conveniently phrased and blatantly hypocritical accusations of 'less Canadian than I.’ They screamed these words of hatred and beckoned others to hate. They lied to those they had sworn to lead. Until they had a chance to run away, duke their responsibilities as servants of this great nation. Before facing a vote on confidence. Which, to be sure, was there sworn duty to face under the circumstances whether they knew it or cared!

This, of course, would not have been possible without the aid of an incompetent Governor General. Either unaware or despite the awareness of her duties.

That dull little act of staving censure, using bluster and fandangling to avoid that vote on confidence, the allowance of Mr harper to run away with all the marbles so he could go and lead his well funded propaganda campaign of hatred, divisiveness and lies, this is what counts for treason in our banal, inclusive and until, this past Thursday the forth of December, fairly played little contribution to Democracy at large .

If, the present leadership of Canadian Parliament is allowed to table anything in the next sitting of Parliament before facing a vote on confidence, Treason: by crook or hook or mundane incompetence has occurred. And Canada as a Democracy is swinging towards totalitarian rule, where it stops, is anyone's guess. It is best not to let it build momentum.

The will of the majority of Parliament must be upheld and unimpeded by practice or any quasi legal argument.

Anything less is kangaroo court. A changing of the rules when those rules mean you lose. The very definition of banana republic.

That is not what Canadians fought, reasoned and died for. And continue to do to this day.

It is this: Democratic governance. One citizen, one vote, one member of parliament per riding. This member sent to Ottawa to serve the people in the riding that they were elected by. Not some cult of personality centered around someone who has shown(arguably), time and again, that he cares nothing for anyone who stands in his way. And his way is concerned only with his narrow partisan and personal well being and holds no good intention for those he has sworn to govern well over accept by happenstance. No, for this individual, it is only the numbers and those he considers enough like himself that matter. The other people, and Democracy, only get in the way.

Self identifying conservatives, liberals, liberal conservative, conservative liberals new democrats an old. Pagans, athiests, independents, Judeo/Christ/Muslims, Buddhists Atlantean's. To my fellow Canadians one and all, the time has come to choose your country over your party's chosen leader.

Canada must come first at this crucial juncture.

Demand that your leader take the steps necessary to reopen Parliament. Get back to work with his fellow Canadians in Parliament, for his fellow Canadians at large. Hope no lasting damage has been done with the crocodile tears and accusations of treason and hateful condemnations of less than Canadian, at those, as Canadian as any who have ever voted for democratic representation in this country or has been elected to serve that vote. No matter the reason for that vote. No matter the choice made by that voter..

Anyone who walks into a voting booth in a Canadian general election walks into that booth a Canadian and walks out of that voting booth a Canadian. No more and no less than anyone else who has done the same.

Anyone elected to Parliament is as Canadian as Canadian as anyone else elected to Parliament.

If any good is to come from MichaĆ©lle Jean’ s, our Governor General’s, decision to allow a serving Prime Minister to duck his responsibilities it will be this: it may allow time, for Mr Harper or a significant number of his fellow party members, to listen to the better angels of their conscience, to realize what they have done, how close they have come to irrevocably damaging the country and the citizens they have sworn to serve. All for short term partisan gain. NOT for the benefit of Canada or Canadians.

My fellow Canadians, hang your flags high and upside down, Canada, as a Democratic ship of state, is in a state of distress. The waters of totalitarianism have begun to seep through her bulwarks. It is the duty of the sitting governing body to put her back in better shape than they received her. It is imperative that they begin to do so now.

remember, remember,
the forth of december.
remember it indeed

but for what we remember
the forth of december?
for that, my country,
we await to see.

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